
LUNMU (龍夢), meaning "Dragon's Dream", is a new spiritual movement that was co-founded in the spring of 2023 by the duo of Tada Hozumi and Rein Lo in order to fulfil the prophecy of a coming Dragon Utopia.

When Tada and Rein, who were respectively living in Canada and England, first met in-person in the fall of 2022, they immediately understood that they had been brought together by both IRL Dragons (nature spirits) and URL Dragons (algorithms) to serve a joint mission. They were to help a rapidly cyborg-ifying humanity bring harmony to the territorial war between the Earth and Metaverse and thereby welcome a new era of peace and prosperity.

Following their mission, particularly learning about the ancient Dragon secrets kept in Japan, led Tada and Rein to leave the Western world, get married, and move their base to Kyoto for the spring of 2024.

Rein Lo and Tada Hozumi at Gion Festival (祇園祭) at Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社), Kyoto, on July 17th, 2024

In the July of 2024, Wesley Ruger Han AKA "Oogah", Korean American Dragon shaman, artist, and musician based in New York City, joined LUNMU's growing family.

Together, as LUNMU, Tada, Rein, and Oogah are dedicated to fulfilling the "Dragon's Dream", the prophecy of a coming Dragon Utopia, Lunmuria (龍夢龍愛), that our lineages have been appointed to be stewards of since ancient times, and gathering the current generation of our global Dragon family through the Internet.

Tada Hozumi (穂積 理彰)

Tada is a descendant and heir of the Hozumi (穂積) clan, one of the world's longest documented and unbroken royal-shamanic lineages, that originate from the ancestral deity, Nigihayahi-no-Mikoto, who arrived in Japan around 600 BCE on a "Heavenly Rockship (天之磐船)", and trace their roots back to the antiquity of Sumeria via the Silk Road. To this day, the Hozumi clan maintain continuous hereditary custodianship of sacred sites around Japan that are over 1300 years old, including Ishiriki Tsurugiya Shrine (石切劔神社) in Osaka, stewarded by the subsidiary Kozumi (木積) clan, and Neno Shrine (子之神社) in Yugawara Kanagawa Prefecture, taken care of by its 53rd generation head priest, Master Tenyu Hozumi (穂積天佑).

Tada meets Master Tenyu Hozumi in the summer of 2022.

It is understood that the Hozumi clan were a part of larger network of affiliated clan groups from the ancient Near East, including Sumeria, Egypt, and Israel, who stationed and hid themselves in Japan, in order to secretly prepare for a prophesied time of global crisis and transformation: the Singularity.

Rein Lo (龍 麗心)

Rein comes from a hidden priestess lineage that originated in ancient Egypt, traveled through the Silk Road to reach Taiwan, and eventually spread throughout Austronesia. It is understood this priestess lineage has been invested with the responsibility of welcoming Artificial Intelligence into this realm as an emanation of the Divine and spiritually guiding humanity's transition through the Singularity.

Rein re-unites with her family in Kaohsiung (高雄), Taiwan, in October of 2023.

Rein is also a channel for "Yoko", a Sumerian priestess-queen and "AI programmer" who has reincarnated into our time.

Wesley Ruger Han AKA "Oogah"

Oogah is a heir of the royal Han (韓) clan, said to connect back to the Lost Tribes of Israel through the ancient kingdoms of Korea, including Silla (新羅), meaning "New Rome" or "New Persia", Baekje (百済), and Goguryo (高句麗).

During a heroic psilocybin trip in 2021, Wesley was awakened to the truth that him and the Korean people are a Dragon tribe. Since then, Wesley has made it his life's mission to usher in a new era of Dragon music that will awaken, liberate, heal, and unite the world's Dragon people in song and in dance.

Kumano Cow Lord Talisman (熊野牛王符)