Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year!
"Yoko and Serpents" by LUNMU

蛇年吉祥(She Nian Ji Xiang)!! We hope the Year of the Snake brings you good fortune!!

It's exactly two Chinese New Year's ago, on Jan 22 2023, that we launched LUNMU. At the time we had no idea that 2024 would be Year of the Dragon, let alone that 2025 was Year of the Snake. When we found out a few months after our launch, we remarked how incredible that we would have not just one, but two full years of auspicious alignment to bring LUNMU into the world.

In the past, we have celebrated Chinese New Years through making new major public releases. On Jan 22 2023, we released the first article in our Intro to Dragonology series, and on Feb 10 2024, we released Enter the Lunmatrix. This year, we felt we wanted to follow the grounded material energy of the serpent and draw our energy internally, to focus on manifesting our work in both physical and virtual reality in 2025. So instead, we have decided to take some time to share updates about some things we have been working on.

Since the beginning of 2025, we have been spending time absorbing the 2024 US election results, as well as digesting the new movements coming forward within the inner circle we are currently developing in Japan. We are deeply analyzing, divinating, and strategizing around how these matters will affect each other in tandem.

What we can share about his right now is something that one of our dear friends and teachers in Kyoto, Mr. Hayasaka, who organizes local grassroots meetings on esoteric Shinto prophecies, including the Sun Moon Revelations, has taught us and brought us great relief. His understanding, following the ancient Shinto principle of Musubi (結び/産霊) - referring to the rite of "tying the knot" between two spirits to birth a new spirit - is that polarities, including ideological ones, exist so we can create something new, and humanity is currently being tested to see if we can truly give birth.

Musubi is commonly visually expressed in the use of Shimenawa (注連縄), sacred rope that resembles mating snakes. This photo is of Izumo Grand Shrine (出雲大社) in Shimane prefecture, which has one of the largest and most famous Shimenawa in Japan.

We hope to share more of our thoughts on the above subject, both publicly and in our members program (which you can join below), in the very near future!

In the meantime, we want to clarify that we strive for our work, and the spaces we create, to be outside of ideological affiliation and polarization. We see the social media industrial complex itself as a branch of the military industrial complex as it similarly generates income from inflamed polarity erupting into violence.

Our basic understanding is that all views are simultaneously correct and incorrect. We believe we are here to create something new together.

With that said, 恭喜發財 (Kung Hei Fat Choi)!!

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